We help define long term strategy by connecting your organization to the source of its excellence
Read moreIn the last decade, circumstances have driven companies to become so focused on their short-term imperatives, that many organizations lack a clear sense of direction and purpose. Slowly but surely, this is affecting the way in which these organizations are being managed, the integrity of their activities, their ability to compete.
We help companies and their leaders reconnect with their essence. With what made them Excellent in the first place, so that this can serve as a basis to elaborate more differentiating, inspiring and competitive long-term strategy.
More than ever, organizations are faced with the challenges of a global economic recession, increased competition in every possible sector of activity. Typically, organizations are confronted with a market positioning that lacks pertinence, marketing communication strategies that aren’t delivering, a need for greater brand differentiation, or a workforce that has lost its bearing, unsure of the role it plays within the organization. But more than anything, the biggest challenge facing these organizations is a clear sense of purpose and direction, a long-term vision.
The relentless pace of affairs, like the race for performance and profitability is having a significant impact on the stability – and in some cases the long-term viability of countless organizations. Many organizations are mired in an unending cycle of short-term actions and reactions that lead nowhere, except an inevitable deterioration of their assets.
Too many organizations are driven by short-term imperatives. Apart from elaborate business or commercial plans, few companies take the time to consider their greater purpose, their ‘raison d’être’, and to elaborate a clearly defined vision worthy of the name. Without this vision, they gradually mitigate the cohesion and coherence so vital to ensure the optimal performance of their activities, which includes the management of their brand or suite of brands.
Consequently, these organizations are confronted with a growing disconnection between their inherent strengths and deeper identity, and the lack of a clear and differentiating positioning strategy that builds on these strengths in a unique way.
We observe an increasing disconnection between the deeper needs and aspirations of the individuals that make up the driving force of an organization, and the reality of the organization’s day-to-day activities.
We note a divorce between the values these organizations say they stand for through their communication and advertising, and the way these organizations are actually perceived, their brands and services experienced by customers.
The lack of coherence that characterizes the activities of many organizations, is slowly but surely having an impact on their ability to differentiate and compete effectively, is having an adverse effect on the motivation and involvement of their workforce and is therefore also inextricably affecting the overall profitability of these companies.
Read moreLike every company, your organization is unique. Your people, your culture, your fundamental expertise… Every Company has a source of Excellence. But this source is rarely fully understood, nor is it leveraged or exploited to its full potential.
Our purpose is to help organizations and their leaders reconnect with their Excellence. Our approach and methodology reveals the core, essential strengths that made your organization successful in the first place, so that you can devise more pertinent and coherent strategy for the future.
In this day and age, customers don’t acquire a product or service solely for its intrinsic qualities and benefits. In reality they also increasingly look at the values a company or organization stands for, its purpose and broader role in society.
In the words of Roy Spence: “The core is not what you sell, it’s what you stand for”.
And rightly enough, it’s increasingly clear that the challenge for brand management is finding ways of connecting with customers that provide value, substance, significance and meaning beyond their current product and service definition, and those offered competitively.
With the growing commoditization of products and services, the priority for most organizations is to create the conditions for people to make an inspired choice when they consider purchasing a product or service.
Our experience demonstrates time after time, that to effectively align the activities of an organization, to help differentiate it and its brand(s) in a competitive market place, and to ensure a stronger and more sustainable positioning over time, it is key to identify what lies at the heart of an organization, its source of Excellence.